Washoe County Sheriff’s Office
The Washoe County Sheriff’s Office can be found at 625 Mt Rose Hwy. This office is a full-service satellite station. Its purpose is to provide necessary law enforcement services to residents and visitors of the Incline Village and Crystal Bay areas. To contact the Sheriff’s Office, visit their website or call (775) 832-4114.
Post Office
The post office in Incline Village is located at 770 Mays Blvd. Post office hours are from 8am until 4:30pm Monday through Thursday. For more information, call (800) 275-8777.
Visitor’s Center
Incline Village Crystal Bay Visitors Bureau encourages tourist presence and provides information to visitors. The Visitors Center is located at 969 Tahoe Blvd. You can support local businesses through a gift shop and gallery, and plan your ideal Lake Tahoe retreat with expert advice and resources. Photo courtesy of the Incline Village General Improvement District
Incline Village Community Hospital
Incline Village Community Hospital provides expert level care to patients in North Lake Tahoe. The hospital began as a community project and grew into an integral part of the Tahoe Forest Health System, one of the top 100 critical access hospitals in the country. the Tahoe Forest Health System hosts health and wellness events such […]